Again, let's review the 12 Months of Resolutions guidelines:
1. You can choose to do one, two or none of the resolutions. If you are in, just comment to this post and let me know.
2. You can make up your own rules to your resolutions. If you want to tweak it, go right ahead.
3. Have fun. And if you mess up, it's okay. I've not made it through a whole month.
So Resolutions of the month of Avril (French for April, booya!)
Resolution 1: I am going to keep my radio, ipod, etc off on my commute to work every morning. I need some quiet time and this may be my only real chance to get it without distractions of TV and the internet. What will I do with said time? I'm going to take it to be quiet and to hear what the Lord may have to say to me. I thought about doing both my commute to work and from work but decided against it. What will you do with your quiet time?
Resolution 2: I will stop biting, tearing, peeling my nails. It's an old habit from back in the day. And frankly, it's gross. So I'm stopping.
Are you in? Let me know!