Wednesday, December 30, 2009

January Resolution Annoucement

Okay, let's go!

We've got two resolutions for January. Pick one, pick two or pick none. No pressure.

Resolution #1 - Blog every day in January. You may know that I have a blog with my bud, Amber. You can go check it out and see what is on our collective mind. This is where I'll be blogging every day for the month of January. If you're in, shoot me a comment and let me know your blog address. I'll follow you on my Google Reader (at least for the month.)

Resolution #2 - Floss your teefees everyday. I'm no good at this. I hope this becomes a habit that I take. We'll see. (If you don't want to floss, just go to and work on your mental hygiene.)

Are you resolving to either of these? If so, comment away and let me know.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What's a Girl to Do?

I'm no good. Take that however you want it, but I mean mostly that I'm no good at keeping resolutions. In fact, the only resolution that I even half-way kept was a few years back when I decided to not keep up with celebrity gossip. I actually did a pretty good job with that but there were things that I made exceptions for...The Soup, Chelsea Lately, news website headlines, etc. (I say et cetera because there were many more exceptions. I think you're catching what I'm throwing, right?)

So here we are, 2010 and I've got an idea. I'm going to make a resolution a month. I know, I know...if I can't keep one resolution how am I going to keep 12? I can't promise I will. In fact, this idea may fall flat on it's figurative face January 4th. That's why I'm inviting you to join me.

At the end of each month I'll announce what the upcoming month's resolution will be. This is your opportunity to join me. Just comment after the resolution announcement and you're in. Also, as the month keeps trucking along, I want to hear from you about how you're doing.

You definitely don't have to join in every month or any month to read. Sometimes there will be a weekly resolution or maybe a daily one.

The next post will be January's resolution announcement. Remember to comment to let me know if you're in or even if you are just wanting to encourage those of us taking the challenge.